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Completed Projects

Projects from 2018-2022.

Since charity incorperation in 2018. 

 2018-2019 Projects

Tackling Knife crime funded by Awards for All. This project dealt with the knife crime issues affecting BAME and refugee communities. Our many years of dealing with our client group taught us that a holistic approach is required to address criminality within the community. Based on our experience, literature reviews and consultation with the community, we ran a three- strand project covering the community, young people and the police.

Grassroots integration This project is to create and enhance friendship and good relations among the increasingly diverse communities that will be living side by side in the years to come. Where new friendships are created; new contacts and networks formed through a shared meal in the community.

2019-2020 Projects

Refugee Journey Project funded by the Heritage Fund - This project filmed, shared, celebrated and disseminated the wide range of achievements and contributions made by refugees living across Tyneside through their working and family lives, showcasing their stories and experiences promoting better understanding and empathy. 15 Refugees were interviewed, 25 hours of footage captured, a 15 min video produced detailing the life journey of 6 refugees. The final film is on Triangular facebook page and hosted on YouTube.

Link here:

Kurdish Syrain football project funded by Sport England - is supporting a group of 50 recently established refugees who have started new lives in Gateshead after fleeing Assad regime. Weekly indoor coaching football activity, followed by a shared meal prepared by family members is funded by Sport England. The project built upon existing informal networks, providing qualified coaching and structured activities supported by volunteers and a sessional project worker, where the group developed their skills and ensuring the growth and sustainability of the group membership.

Peer support project funded by Awards for all - This project aimed to tackle loneliness and social isolation, improve sense of belonging and confidence by engaging women who are refugees and recent migrants in a regular community activity. Cultural and language barriers as well as previous reliance on men often precludes refugee/migrant women from coming out of the house and forming friendships and meaningful connections. We hosted weekly meetings, to support refugee/migrant women beneficiaries, offering peer support in order to make new friends to help alleviate loneliness and social isolation, support them through settlement process and citizenship, retain cultural links through socializing and a shared meal.

Crisis response 2020-2022

Weekly Food delivery for Vulnerable People (Emergency response)
Finding out that there were many more people who were not taking advantage of the many food delivery initiatives in the area due to language and other barriers, since the lockdown we started running a pilot scheme to deliver donated food along with fresh produce purchased from supermarket, supporting many households to continue to stay safe and self-isolate. This was initially funded from our reserve. Thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund, we were able to continue and expand on the project, delivering food packages to the most vulnerable people in our communities whilst providing some regular face to face contact at a safe distance and a brief chat to check everything was okay and made sure they had up to date health information.

Training Community Champions with lived experience to help others (Employability)

Funded by the Barrow Cadbury Trust Covid 19 Support Fund, this project enabled us to re-engage 2 experienced sessional project workers from refugee backgrounds to work intensively with community champions from various Refugee Community Organizations (RCOs). These community champions were supported to work among their own respective communities to deliver direct support to around 160 refugees and asylum seekers affected by the crisis in the Tyneside region. The work involved reconnecting with volunteers and help them identify beneficiaries most in need, deliver virtual drop-in sessions via zoom and WhatsApp to support service users with issues related to c19 with particular focus on employability, such as updating CVs and helping them apply for jobs, help with form filling and benefits, but also arranging mock interviews and helping with building confidence.

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